Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black

-ordered (or at least tolerated) the death and mutilation of an "innocent" hooker

Lol. Who cares, she was just a .. oh I'm sorry. But we don't know if Michael was behind that, more likely Tom or Neri.

Of course Michael knew about the hooker. And even if he didn't, as Boss, he's still culpable for her murder, both legally and morally.

All right, forget the morals part, he's a fucking gangster lol. But he's still responsible for her death.

As I've said before, I'm not convinced he did know, given that he gave Tom "complete power" before he left for Miami. To me, "complete power" means that Tom had the ability to do anything without needing to have Michael's approval.

And Michael's still responsible for the killing, even if he had no knowledge of it beforehand? Really? Does that mean Tony Soprano was responsible for Ralphie's killing of his (Ralphie's) girlfriend, even though Tony not only didn't know about it until after it happened, but vehemently disapproved when he found out? Sorry, I don't buy that.

Let me tell ya somethin my kraut mick friend!