I thank you all for the comments and I hope you keep them coming, as I learn from them too.

As far as the religion article goes, I think I must say something: while I do stand behind what I said in that one 100%, I also have to tell you that it was my worst article out of them all. That article didn't have hardcore evidence, as all my other articles did, but how could it? Religion is based on faith, not evidence. Anyway, it was kind of stupid of me to write on that subject, just because it probably came off as an out-of-the-blue attack. We are all entitled to our own beliefs and if believing in god makes you feel better, then more power to you.

I learned from that article, as you can see, and the rest of them all contain empirical evidence and facts.

Edit: By the way, Turi Giuliano, I appreciate your kind words posted in the guestbook! Especially the death threats!!! lol Anyway, as I said on the guestbook page, there is a limit to the amount of words you can post, because Geocities is a bitch like that, and it cut you off! If you want, you can finish the post by posting another post above it (how many times can I use the word "post" in the same sentence?)...just thought I'd let you know!

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986