Originally Posted By: J Geoff

I forgot Tom Cruise was the star of Valkyrie (2008); and at times, I didn't "see" him in the role, which is a very good thing. Overall, I thought it was well done. I really like it, and would have liked our global human history more had they succeeded.

Liked it too.

I remember when it came out how the media already was setting it up as a failure because by then Tom Cruise went from King of Hollywood to nutjob couchjumping has-been, and boy they were ready to cut him down.

Except it turned out to be pretty good, certainly reminded me of those Alistair MacLean precise World War 2 thrillers, except it was based on a true story.

Besides those critics got to finally use their sharpened knives on KNIGHT & DAY. Which I must admit, I kinda enjoyed. Yeah sorry guys. I failed ya'll.

Except if those plotters had succeeded in knocking off Hitler, would it have ended WW2 quicker? I mean they were banking on the idea of a WWI-stylized armistice where the government would effectively stay in place, country unoccupied...but would the Allies have accepted that?