Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Hey everyone, my latest article is up and this one is guaranteed to infuriate, despite the truth it speaks...read it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n114-pro.shtml ...
Because I am trying to defer work duties, I made the click and read your latest article, Bucho. I have some comments...

First of all, your skills as a writer and thinker are strong.

Second, I move to your content:

Me, I LOVE the Nation of Islam. Believe it or not, I carry a great deal of sympathy for black men and women, and it soothes my soul that an organization like this exists - one whose unabashed racism runs unchecked in today's society. (Mind you, the mass media will NEVER expose the inner workings and daily sordidness of this group...it is the mass media's mission to protect minority groups, no matter how egregious their behavior. While a Ku Klux Klan rally, all 25 of these redneck assholes, gets front-page news.)

You see, I am white as white can be. There isn't a drop of "mongrel" blood in me. I am, in a manner of speaking, the master race. I am acutely aware of this. With it, I also recognize that the black man is in an unenviable position. A mere five or six generations removed, a black man's descendants were either enslaved or subject to unimaginable social, political, and economic repression.

This, no matter what anyone says about the civil rights movement, the "progress" we have made, or "equality," MEANS SOMETHING.

I am a firm believer that every individual of African descent living in America, regardless of their history, has every right to hate me from the get-go. (Oh, of course...we can bark and bark about "Well, I wasn't a slave master and you weren't a slave" all we want. That argument is moot when it comes to cultural cluster-fucks like this.)

What I DO hope, however, is that if such an individual allows me to illustrate that I am just a man, all will be well. If these people decide to contimue hating me because I am white, they can go fuck themselves. I just don't have the time for that kind of bullshit. Get the Christ away from me, NOT because you are a Black Muslim, but because you are a fucking asshole. THIS is when the phantom slave/slave master paradigm does NOT hold water.

But it's perfectly OK for blacks to hate me. I understand it completely. I am the master race. Just give me the chance to show you that I recognize the source of your discontent, and accept that there is absolutely nothing I can do about history.

Then we'll all get along just fine.

Hope you read this, Bucho. Have a good weekend, pal.