Hey everyone, I've got two mentions in the paper tomorrow! The first one is a response from the Muslim Student Association's president regarding my article about the anti-Semitic joke that was posted at their website. It's amazing to me how they still won't admit that the joke shouldn't have been there to begin with. They claim that due to the high volume of posts there, they can't catch all of them...that's a joke, since the site barely gets any posts to begin with, and furthermore, the joke had been there since October of LAST YEAR!!! Oh well, I guess they will never understand what my point was: it was unprofessional of them to have the joke there to begin with. It wasn't a smear campaign I was embarking on and I don't hate Islam, but I guess that is irrelevant to them.
The second mention is in an article from a buddy of mine in the College Republicans club, Jason Garthoffner. He mentions me and says what we're really attempting to do with our articles: inform the public on why the president and this war is justifiable. To read them, go to: http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n94-let.shtml .

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986