Originally posted by GAMBINO:
Originally posted by Don Marco:
How many civilians died at the hand of Milosovic?
You should ask yourself how many people died at the hand of Ustasa(Croatians) in concentration camps through out 1941-1945. Concentration camps like Jadovno, Kruscica, Loborgrad, Djakovo, Tenje, Osijek, and Jasenovac... ( http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/jasenovac/ )and that was wayyy before Milosevic, but hey Yugoslavians died... so who gives a fuck ehh? Milosevic just like Franjo Tudjman and Alija Izetbegovic was defending his country.
Originally posted by Don Marco:

Are you saying the country was better beofre the American "interfence"? That's going to be a tough sell, so don't waste your time.
Originally posted by Don Marco:

What are you doing in Canada? Go back, if you dare
I am visiting my cousins in Ottawa, and yes I am going back to Serbia and Montenegro( Yugoslavia ) in 3 months.

Howardsternis and Don Marco, how old are you 2 guys?[/b]
You are unable to answer a question without asking another question to divert the focus? I asked about civilians that died at the hand of your leader and you talk about concentration camps from World War 2. He has been indicted for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people simply for being of the wrong ethnic group. That was a very admirable "defense of his country". A summary of the charges: Throughout the 1990s Milosevic's policies, his paramilitaries and his armed forces incited violence and ethnic hatred that would destroy Yugoslavia.

Hundreds of thousands of people were killed, millions forced to leave their homes and wander the world as refugees. Civilians were the primary targets in this attempt to redesign Yugoslavia along purely ethnic lines.

The term ethnic cleansing became synonymous with Bosnia, as Serb forces there loyal to and paid for by Milosevic tried to carve out a separate state by forcibly moving the non-Serb civilian population.

They did it by bombarding towns and cities like Sarajevo with heavy artillery, beseiging villages and massacring civilians.

Snipers targeted men, women and children. Markets full of people shopping were shelled.

And in scenes unknown in Europe since World War II, there were concentration camps, mass rape and the forced prostitution of women and very young girls.

This orgy of war peaked with the Bosnian Serb assault on the tiny Muslim village of Srebrenica. The International Red Cross says about 7,000 Muslim men and boys remain unaccounted for there.

Maybe I'm missing the good in this man. You can search all you want for it, and you're not going to find it. At least you can give Hitler credit for building the autobahns and promoting the invention of the VW. Milosevic's only redeeming quality would be as fertilizer after he is dead.

I'm 45.

"After all, we are not communists"

Christopher Moltisanti: You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease?

Tony Soprano: Yeah well, when you're married, you'll understand the importance of fresh produce.