A little deep even for Mistersixer.

Sorry Howardsternisgod, I didn't know it was you I posted against, but I did so in a "milder" Mistersixer manner. smile

I can only examine the core problem of the Israel/Palestinian problem, and that would be asked by the question: "What is the big goddamn deal about that Particular area of the World?" Why does everyone want that dried up piece of land? What is so special about it?

My answer is that there is NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT IT! The issues fought over the "promised land" go farther back than the Crusades, much farther back. Back to the same old problem of Religion. NO STUPID-ASSES!(not you Howard) That land is NOT "holy!" Stop taking that f*cking book so damn serious! Everyone would get along just fine if they weren't taking their religion so f*cking serious! And why is everyone trying to prove that their religion is the "true" one with Tanks and Guns?!?!