Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
[QB]No offense GAMBINO, but you come off to me the way many Canadians and non-Americans do: you have so much contempt for the United States, but for what reason? I visited the website you linked to, and I must say, much of that is propaganda and many of the stories don't show what happened in the context that it actually happened in.
For instance, take the supposed American terrorizing of "Palestine". There is no such thing as Palestine, there never was, and there never will be. The truth is that that land had gone unclaimed for centuries and the "Palestinians" were essentially squatting there, never actually staking claim in the land!QB]
My good friend Gerry Wachovsky(howardsternisgod) On 15.11.1988, the PNC meeting in Algiers declared the State of Palestine as outlined in the UN Partition Plan 181, which includes Gaza Strip and West Bank currently under the Israeli occupation since 1967.

And a flag and the National Anthem for the new state was presented.

On 13.09.1993, Chairman Arafat of PLO signed the Declaration of Principles agreement in Washington with the Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin for a limited self-rule in Gaza Strip and West Bank based on UN resolution 242 and other UN resolution related to the Arab-Israeli conflict, to start with Israeli withdraw from Gaza Strip and West Bank city of Jerico which took place in 1994 .

On July 1994, Chairman Arafat entered Gaza as a president for the new founded Palestinian National Authority , a political body responsible for governing the self-rule Palestinian areas.

I think you should know this. Now that I have proved that there is PALESTINE! I will move on to the next thing you have said...
Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
[QB]Israelis have offered deals and peace so many times, but how are they repayed? QB]
The Arab-Israeli conflict in modern history is simply an illegal Jewish occupation of the Palestinian lands in two stages. The first stage was in 1948; they occupied 78% of the Arab-Palestinian lands and established their state, Israel. The second stage was in 1967. Israel launched an offensive war against the Arabs and occupied the rest of the Palestinian lands, which consisted of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip.

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
[QB]I mean, how are we to know if that little Palestinian boy who lies dead on the street just picked up a gun and aimed it at an Israeli soldier?
We know that he did not pick up a gun because all that Palestinians have are sling shots, however Israels thanks to USA have Nuclear weapons.

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
[QB]No offense GAMBINO, but you come off to me the way many Canadians and non-Americans do: you have so much contempt for the United States, but for what reason?QB]
I am Yugoslavian.

“The greatest crime since World War II has been U.S. foreign policy.”

— Ramsey Clark
former U.S. Attorney General