No offense GAMBINO, but you come off to me the way many Canadians and non-Americans do: you have so much contempt for the United States, but for what reason? I visited the website you linked to, and I must say, much of that is propaganda and many of the stories don't show what happened in the context that it actually happened in.
For instance, take the supposed American terrorizing of "Palestine". There is no such thing as Palestine, there never was, and there never will be. The truth is that that land had gone unclaimed for centuries and the "Palestinians" were essentially squatting there, never actually staking claim in the land! They had some ridiculous notion where they thought that they had a "right of return" and thought they were somehow deservant of the land in question...why? What on Earth would give them this ridiculous idea? The funny thing is that with them it's either all or nothing. The Israelis have offered deals and peace so many times, but how are they repayed? With suicide bombings during a Passover seder! These people have proved that they are unable to deal with and the deal should be off the table for good.
I also notice that many of the links that are used for reference at that site deal with Jewish conspiracies, such as the idea of Zionism. Now let me tell you, I (being an Atheist now but still technically Jewish), don't fully agree with the whole Zionism thing but I will certainly say that it is not Jewish Naziism.
And where do all these civilian death statistics come from? Are these partial bodies, full bodies, etc. or just speculation? I'm not saying the US is innocent, but I do think these figures are blown up a bit. I mean, how are we to know if that little Palestinian boy who lies dead on the street just picked up a gun and aimed it at an Israeli soldier?
I know I might come off as a patriotic loudmouth, but I hope you can see the points that I've attempted to make here.

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986