Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
You may be right about the election thing and Bush doing so to garner support, but I don't think that is the whole story. Recall what you felt when waking up on September 11 and seeing the towers crumble to the ground...can we afford something like that to happen again? Why shouldn't we protect ourselves against any potential enemies we may have? With special regard to Iraq, I don't think they are as innocent as many people perceive they are, in light of Colin Powell's evidence presented against them in his United Nations conference. Either way, I totally see where you are coming from, MisterSixer, and I know you see my view clearly as well...this may be the only thing we partially disagree on!
Well, that is just the problem Howard, that the majority of action being taken is action against the (seemingly) wrong person...Saddam! I mean Bush did everything but blame the 9-11 attacks on Saddam. Saddam this, Saddam that! Hardly a mention of the real culprit, who seems to be yelling at Bush that he is still alive and well. I just don{t get it...what am I missing?

Can we afford another attack like the 9-11 attacks? Not if it involves nuclear or biochemical weapons we can't. Why shouldn't we defend ourselves? We should. But how do you destroy a belief? How do you defend yourself from an idea?

Too bad the US destroyed the old Soviet government, they could have used them! I doubt the current Russian government could be of any help. They've got their own problems.