Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
In response to my first article, the pro-war one, a Letter To The Editor was printed in today's paper. You can read it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n68-let.shtml .
Haha! I am afraid that here is where we might actually differ Comrade Howard. I mean this new war against Saddam doesn't seem to relate to the real problem, which is bin Laden and terrorism.

What will this war accomplish? I can't see any long term benefit. All I see is a war in 2003 that is conveniant for Bush's election in 2004. Nothing more.

And will Bush decisively win this war with Iraq before his election win? It will probably last just long enough for him to get the vote. I keep thinking that this is a reinactment of Iraq's war with Bush Senior, with nothing really changed in Iraq after the Gulf war.

But maybe this war will lead to other war campaigns that will eventually rid the world of religious fanatical terrorism!? Probably not...just more stalemates.

Just a thought.