The whole concept of "The Bastards'" unit is completely grounded in fiction and extremely disrespectful to the real men and women of that war.

To imply that a mercenary unit, affiliated with the American army, would go on vigilante raids bashing Nazi skulls with baseball bats is utterly asinine. If anything, the American and British troops were known for being extremely prudent and considerate with regards to how they treated the German people, their country, their artifacts, and their prisoners of war.

Vigilante tactics are sometimes a part of war, yes, and WWII was no exception; but the entire notion of an unmerciful band of American savages, commiting war crimes at every turn by scouring the countryside for Nazi scalps, couldn't portray the American army any more inaccurately. It's not worth desecrating the legacy of American soldiers just so some jerkoff fan-boy loser can exploit it to make a shitty film.

If anything, it was the Russians who plundered, pillaged and outright purged Berlin and the countryside at their will. QT could have made a film similiar to this involving Russian vigilantism, and that would have had some grounds for historical relevance, but that probably wouldn't make a mark on American Cinema, would it.

Quentin Tarentino is a whore. On the other hand, the cinematography in this film is BRILLIANT...and the man does know how to tell a story, even if it's a complete misrepresentation of the facts. But then again, who couldn't make a great story about WWII?? I just wish a modern director could accurately capture the true drama of the whole ordeal, it could make for a huge blockbuster.

The fact that QT spent a decade making this picture makes it a real exercise in futilism despite its fleeting moments of brilliance.