Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Well, I have begun my career as a journalist, and what better way to get a name for yourself than to put your submissions out there for the world to see? At my school, I have begun writing a weekly column for The Daily 49er on controversial issues. I will post a link to my article each week and then you can comment on it whatever way you see fit. Call me an asshole, tell me I'm wrong, whatever floats your boat. Hell, if you disagree with me a lot (as many of you probably will), you can even send in a letter to the editor!

My first article, entitled, "Pacifists, And Why I Hate Them," can be found by clicking this link: http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n62-pac.shtml .
Great Article Comrade Stern!

Well, I guess this is a tough one for me. I agree that Terrorism must be dealt with, but I am not sure how that relates to Saddam Hussein. I am also not sure that it is possible to control and destroy groups of terrorists, governments that support them, to the individual follower of Terrorism without obliterating the entire world as we know it to ashes!

The only solution seems to be if one could somehow get everyone to drop their fanatical beliefs, give up their nuclear weapons, and all of a sudden just get along with one another.

When Lenin took power and created the Soviet Union, he tore down all of the religions and took their property for the state, and make Atheism the Law and Religion Unlawful. What took place was a somewhat unified people under the state where people weren't divided by religious prejudice (at least internally it seemed).

But when the Soviet order collapsed, everyone went back to their old way of thinking and their old prejudices and started civil wars all over the place, many that are STILL going on!

Now, it may not be possible to expect people to go back to the "way it was".