Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
This week on "RRA's Cryptic Wit"...


I was refering to this particular previous entry of yours in the Random Movie/TV postings:

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
I've written a two-part article on why Christopher Nolan's films aren't all that.

Christopher Nolan: A self-serious mannerism, Part 1; and Part 2.

*fingers snap snap*

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
Yeah, the critical hype currently surrounding Nolan and his work has given me inclination to give him further attention. But that hype is directly related to his 'supposed qualities as a director', so any discussion in relation to that is obviously going to be directly related to those things. I'm not discussing his dress sense or facial expressions here, because there's no hype surrounding them therefore no need to engage in any criticism of them.

Or in other words, in responding to the 'hype' I'm unavoidably having to respond to the films themselves.

If people were coming out of seeing Nolan's recent films and saying, 'They're pseudo-serious pretentious action films with no genuinely intellectual engagement' (which his last two films have been, unquestionably), then I probably wouldn't feel the need to chip in my opinion other than to give approval of the consensus.

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
He's made a few I like too. What's your point?

All that may be true, but if you explain why you indulge, I don't think you made the case why you should.

One of your country's stupid papers (Guardian?) had a general public poll which named Steven Spielberg the greatest director ever.

Is he? No. Do I get why he won that vote? Sure, he won several Oscars and made quite a few titles which (for a good time once) were the most successful at the global box-office, stacked atop each other like pancakes. Including a few that were rubbish like LOST WORLD, WAR OF THE WORLDS, E.T., etc. And so what?

But all that, like the Nolan "hype" which aggitates you so very much, is noise, racket that is distractful of what actually matters: Filmography's quality or lack thereof. Nolan made MEMENTO, which I liked. Spielberg made DUEL, underrated probably even among his biggest enthusiasts. I didn't see Beard-whore J.J. Abrams bring that title up when he announced SUPER 8.

Wow I said "all that" too. Awesome. smile

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

But because a lot of people aren't saying that sort of stuff, I feel obliged to speak out.

You're only as obliged as I am to bitched whenever a new Michael Bay movie makes a fortune. I get the impulse, doesn't mean we have to indulge in it and ultimately waste our time and energy on an irrelevant tangent.

For that matter, you're pissing away whatever wit and intelligence you may sport (which you do) on something quite meaningless. On the day of the Wikileaks, what was the national headline on cable TV in America? That unworkable law in Arizona., one law (of thousands) in a state (one of 50), and that is the national debate, pure meaningless culture war pornography. Not revelations of the bullshit going on in a bullshit war which we both seem to agree is quite bullshit.

This goes on the Internet too. Look at thos people pissed at Armond White for giving TOY STORY 3 thumbs down. Why because he disagreed with the mass majority? No because he broke that movie's Rotten Tomatoes review streak from being perfect 100%. I mean what the fuck?

Mere distractions.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 07/30/10 05:40 PM.