Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Funny mentioning the Bourne films. I am watching the Bourne Identity on FX right now. I've seen it several times, and even have the DVD, but I can't resist seeing it again (it has been a little while since I've seen it at least). smile


It might be the weakest of the series, but IDENTITY has a real high rewatchability for several reasons which I already mentioned quite a few few, but I'll offer another, same one why compared to the genre, this one has a higher-than-average female fandom.

Most actioneers are male empowerment fantasies, classic example being James Bond. Save the day, blow everything up, get the girl, all that. Matt Damon though in IDENTITY, he isn't bare chest and doesn't toss the villain into a volcano and wise-crack "you're fired!"

In fact remember when he beats the shit out of those cops, and simultaneously learning that he's both an ass-kicking master and knows quite several tongues fluently? Most action pictures, the male audience avatar would think oh cool, but Damon is horrified. Indeed I thought that cafe scene was terrific, why would a person know all these things?

IDENTITY walks a very fine line between legitimate badass mechanics and being sensitive, not too macho silly like say RAMBO 2 but not too brooding mopey "wussy" like say TWILIGHT.

I'm reminded of that anecdote about how director Doug Liman was able to get IDENTITY greenlighted. Universal (at the time at least) had a mostly female-executive board and he pitched IDENTITY as this: "The movie is not as what it would be like to be Jason Bourne, but what it would be like to date him."

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

P.S. Btw, of all the newer current movie releases, Inception is the only one that I would like to see.

I actually would recommend it. Mind you though, its not one of those mindless titles where you can talk on the phone, go to the snack bar, clip your nails, and you wouldn't miss anything important. Like SALT.

You have to pay attention. Not Ph.D-necessary complicated, but the movie carefully takes its time (some complain too long) to set up this universe and the rules and stakes, all that. But if you stick with the movie, it will pay off once by the 2nd/3rd act you basically figure the whole scheme of things here.

Sure maybe one or tiny two plot details I'm not exactly too sure myself when thinking it over logically, but as a whole it comes together without the narrative spoonfeeding you like the filmmakers think you can't help drooling or something. It helps the 3rd act is beautifully/excitingly well cut together with Oscar-worthy editing between all the different situations by this crackerjack team during this mission. Box-office seems to indicate that most people areseemingly "getting it" at the very basic level of entertainment.

Or at the least, you'll enjoy the much-raved fight in the gravity-free room, done without CGI. An attempt to bring back magic to movie FX that isn't simply done by some fat asshole behind a laptop. Fascinating too that the best action scene doesn't involve the top star either.

Now the hype for INCEPTION is ridiculous. I'm much more with Capo's opinion of sorts, except more estatic. It's not 2001 or redefniing cinema nor is Nolan the next Kubrick/Spielberg, he's just the next Nolan.

It's a blockbuster thriller at heart, doing a tricky dance to be mainstream accessible while not your usual bullshit. A well-crated, well-executed, well-acted, well-imaginative, smarter than the season usually allow memorable blockbuster thriller.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 07/29/10 02:29 AM.