
My lady is flipping through channels last night. I peek up from my book for a second, and I see some scantily-clad ladies in a subtropical setting. Guns. People making out. "Ooooo, hold it right there, honey," I say. Well, it turns out that this was a little teaser for some Fox show, "Fastlane" or something like that. This is the unimportant part.

The important part is this: Toward the end of the commercial, the announcer aggressively makes a statement...

"TO GET IT ALL, YOU'VE GOT TO RISK IT ALL" (or something to that effect).

Holy cow, what a stupid thing to say! If a person is risking it "all," he quite clearly already HAS it "all." No?

Or, is this stoic, prophetic announcer making a much more significant statement? Like, "Well, risk what you already have, and you'll probably get more stuff." Oh. How lovely.

That's just crazy. Do you have a job? Are you getting laid? Is there excitement in your life? If the answer is "yes," why risk anything? If the answer is "no," you have nothing to risk anyway.

They can all eat me...I'm happy with what I have. I wouldn't risk the baking soda in my refrigerator.