Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Wow, you guys saw it already? eek It just opened yesterday. Even tho I love movies like the Bourne films, I've never been into the "Bond-ish" movies, don't know why. Not really a Jolie fan either, so most likely I won't see the movie.


A friend of mine dismissed it as "Jason Bourne with a vagina," and that sounds about right.

I like those BOURNE movies because asides from good cast and thrilling captivating action cinema....I generally care about that character. Rootable kickass underdog born and shaped by the 2000s much like Dirty Harry was in the 1970s, both loners sticking it to "The Man" establishment.

That said, I'm sick of uncreative Hollywood still aping Mr. Bourne because they either don't know any better or they refuse to be different.

In contrast, look at INCEPTION which isn't Bourne bullshit with the action cinematography and its rather damn good with that sorta thing. OR to put it another way, no moment in SALT ever come close to impressing me like that hallway fight in the no-gravity hotel floor in INCEPTION.

Perhaps a reason, among others, why INCEPTION held off SALT at the box office this weekend.