While Rocky is probably noted as his best, with Copland and Cliffhanger pretty decent, First Blood is among my favorites.

Some of those that you guys didn't like I actually didn't mind: Tango & Cash, and even Over the Top I see is fun movies. Of course I was a big Sly fan and I'm sure that might make me more tolerable of some of his films. wink

Besides Judge Dredd, I didn't like Stop or My Mom Will Shoot. I can't think of all his movies off hand, but I'm sure there's a couple more.

Oh,on the plus side, and digging way back, I liked Lords Of Flatbush, and Fist. smile


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 07/24/10 08:30 PM.

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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon