I was at Starbucks up in Bronxville this morning. The "barista" told me that more and more middle-aged people are applying for jobs for little more than minimum wage. But they offer a very good health plan.

Also, this summer, my son, who is 14 and my youngest, started his first job at Pathmark. I was picking him up the other night and started bullshitting with the night manager. He told me that actual fights inside the bottle redemption room are becoming almost commonplace. Sadly, people are fighting, literally, over nickels and dimes. And while beverage sales are no higher this summer than any other summer, bottle and can returns are up like 300 PERCENT. Meaning that people who never recycled before are doing it to put an extra dollar or two in their shopping kitty.

Signs of the times ohwell.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.