Babe, you are so right about that. When I look in his eyes, I see the same light and energy that radiated from Amanda's. It's so awesome and awe inspiring that I really can't put it into words. The last time I saw him I just couldn't help but hug and kiss him the whole time as if it were Amanda herself. I talked about how he's going to need us, but really, WE are the ones who need HIM. smile

What's ironic is that she wasn't married when she had little Conner Patrick, and her mother, being the Irish Catholic she is, was not at all too pleased with her daughter's decision to say the least. I never said anything to her of course, but she knew my own feelings about the matter and that most of the girls I associated with were not the types to do what she had done.

And now? Well...I can only say that we THANK GOD that we have a piece of Amanda remaining with us today, no matter what state he was born in. I learned a very valuable lesson about projecting my self biases onto others, and I think it's something we can all learn from.