Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
I understand the frustration and hate for LeBron right now, but I don't think it's really necessary. I feel bad for the fans in Cleveland, but would he ever have won a championship there? From what I understand he would have made $30 million more if he stayed. I know he makes a ton from endorsements, but he went where he felt he had the best chance to win. How can you blame him for wanting that?


I in no way mean this disrespectfully to you. Doesn't it bother you as a fan that one of the best athletes in sports, at age 25, has thrown his hands up and said "I can't win by myself and am not up to the challenge?" Where is the competitiveness in James? Look in your own state at the Lakers. Kobe toiled with a few years of bad Laker teams after Shaq left. But Kobe aspired to be one of the game's greats and now has two titles as the unquestioned leader of the Lakers.

Go back to the 1992 Dream Team of MJ, Magic, Bird, Barkley, and Isaiah. Imagine if 3 of those guys conspired at the Olympics to sign on the same team in 1994? Doesn't that put into question of the sport's integrity?

Again, LeBron leaving was not the major offense. It was the charade of having 5 other organizations fawn over him, not telling his employer of 7 years of the decision until the public heard about it.

If he had just an ounce of class, LBJ could have said (on the day after the Finals concluded) "I'm not going to waste everyone's time. I have already decided to sign with Miami. I tried for 7 years in Cleve but it did not work." That would have avoided all the bullshit of the past few days, all of which LeBron authorized.