Originally Posted By: Don Andrew
Man, so if LeBron was that much of a parasite and shady character in Cleveland...or so Dan Gilbert wants to put out there...perhaps it's best that we can take him off your hands? confused

I really do feel for the people of Cleveland though, the whole way this thing played out made me feel a little uncomfortable ("The Decision") but then again...I guess I can't really care that much. Wishing ill will upon him personally and calling out the guy's mom though? C'mon, it's only basketball.

I can't say that I won't enjoy the parade(s) though.

All that was said was to give the complete picture. You're not just getting LeBron. He comes with his mother, Maverick Carter and all the other uneducated hangers-on from his high school. His mom was arrested for DUI a few years ago - not the greatest sin. There were cameras at the arrest and she kicked at the cops windshield like Carlo when Clemenza was putting on a stranglehold.

It all goes to show what a classless individual Miami just got. Notice all of the "I" and "me" statements he makes. He said he'll be playing in South Beach, rather than saying he would give his all to the Miami Heat.

Take a reading nationally - not just through the euphoria in Miami. Nearly all outlets nit associated with ESPN are ripping James self-serving approach to the entire free agency process.