In one of the very first scenes of the "Michael" part of Part II, Senator Pat Geary is introduced as a guest at the party being held to celebrate Anthony's first communion. The idea of a U.S. senator being a "distinguished guest" at a Mafia celebration is highly intriguing and titillating. But how realistic is it? By this time, it was widely known that many politicians were connected to organized crime. Additionally, Nevada was clearly exceptionally tolerant of "vices," having legalized gambling. But even so, would a U.S. senator--even one from Nevada--have publicly appeared at a party given by a known Mafia leader? Isn't it more likely that he would have simply met with Michael and the others in private at another time? And even if he came, would he have had his attendance be announced to the crowd like that?

Last edited by VitoC; 07/09/10 10:19 PM.

Let me tell ya somethin my kraut mick friend!