LeBron's actions last night made me ashamed to have ever rooted for him, even though he played for my hometown team. The dye was cast when he attempted that free throw left-handed in the playoffs. He did quit on his team in the Boston series, which is something Jordan, Magic, Bird, Kobe, Isaiah, Shaq, and Dr. J NEVER would have done. While James will probably win a title in Miami, what he has overlooked is that he ran from the challenge of being "the man." All of the aforementioned relished that challenge. Look at how Kobe struggled in the years after Shaq left the Lakers. Now Kobe is coming off of back-to-back world titles.

Notice that he didn't go to NY or Chicago. His fragile ego could never handle the justifiable scrutiny of the NY media and he knows that he'll never be able to escape the greatness of Jordan in the city of Chicago. So, he took the coward's way out and went to a place where his two buddies are and where the owner (Pat Riley) is waiting until February to swoop in and coach the team again.

No matter what he does on the court, LeBron the human being is a piece of dirt. That has become crystal clear since the Boston series and during the entire free agent process. Real men do not disrespect their employer of 7 years by not returning messages and then by telling them you are leaving two minutes ahead of the public announcement. And to not even thank the fans that supported him showed a total lack of class. LeBron's ego last night was on display for all to see. I have to say that even if he would have stayed in Cleveland, I would have seriously questioned the self-serving manner in which conducted himself over the past few months.

His actions last evening showed me that he was raised with practically no values. His mother has been a drunken mess at times and it came out during the playoffs that she was fooling around with Cavs player Delonte West. I'm wondering which Heat player she'll go after down in Miami.

I'm looking forward to reading about James' eventual downfall. I truly believe it began last night. He has surrounded himself with uneducated "yes" men who have given him a false sense of reality. LeBron even went so far as to say the reason for his ESPN "show" was based upon Tiger Woods sex scandal press conference. You remember - the one where Tiger was attacked by almost the entire media for the ridiculous format.

I'm hopeful that he'll start partying down in Florida and he will eventually get into legal trouble. There will be a lot of dirty laundry aired in the coming days that the Cavs chose to keep quiet. Now, the gloves are off and he'll get what he deserves.

I feel bad for my little boy, who is 4 and for others who truly looked up to LeBron. Thankfully, my boy is too young to understand much of what happened. But the 9 and 10 year olds were crushed by LeBron's total indifference last night. We all get that he wanted to leave, but the way in which he did it just showed the true lack of character, class, and humility of LeBron James.