Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
These may all be true, but don't really argue the case for rapping to be included under 'singing'. Lyrical content is quite different to style of delivery.

John Lennon's "Imagine" may (or may not) be beautifully sung, but to me it's a pretty empty song lyrically.

Vocal musicality - or musical vocality? - is singing. Rap is singing in a certain style as much as a ballad is sung in a certain style.

I think I was trying (probably not successfully) to make a point how Eminem had to make subtle vocal differences in the delivery of those songs to make happen whatever thematic idea he had in mind. Assuming he had one in the first place mind you, but regardless.

Thanks for the pinch hit with the tapes.

EDIT- Funny, I thought you would have loved that ultimate Marxist dream?

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 06/29/10 11:06 PM.