Nice pick on Gordon L, "Beautiful". He does have a unique voice and that song showcases the warmth of his vocals.

As far as the Voice/Singer thing. It is a broad category with respect to definition and judgement. The way the post is phrased...Voice/Singer...leaves it open to a wide spectrum of interpretation. James Earl Jones has a great voice, but he is not a singer. One definition of singing: "to utter words or sounds in succession with musical modulations of the voice; vocalize melodically." I suppose RAP would fit this definition, but the modulation is typically minimal; usually within a few notes. There are singers who can expand their range to 4 octaves. So if you put Voice and Singer together for be the judge. Personally, I like vocal range, the ability to sustain a note and the timbre of the voice.(the characteristic quality of sound produced by a particular instrument or voice; tone color.)

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12