To Capo, RR and whoever else cares: wink

You're right that most rap I've been exposed to (always involuntarily) grin is Gangster Rap. My daughters many times have reminded me that I once said, "Rap is just a passing thing or what we use to call a "flash in the pan." I was wrong obviously.

Sure, you may say Celine Dion screams, Yoko Ono sounds like a squealing mouse but both, IMHO are (attempts) at singing no?

Capo, I actually listened to the links you posted (I skipped ahead a little bit but for the most part heard each of them) grin. I'll say this much. Yes, it is different than the ganster rap(as I know it) not only in sound (although I can't put my finger on what it is about the sound) but also lyrically, which btw I understood nearly every word. Plus, for the most part, no trashy lyrics for the sake of trashy lyrics, if you know what I mean.

Of those you posted IF I had to choose, I would prefer Noah 23 Faded, probably because it had "Some" singing within the rapping. Oh and "Dead Men Don't Walk, They Only Decompose." Made me chuckle lol I don't think the very first song you posted is rap, but actually I like that one the best (I Built Myself A Metal Bird." It reminds me of a group from the 70"s that I can't put my finger on. I even tried to find the lyrics and was directed to the youtube site where I see someone else had asked about the lyrics as well.

All that being said, I'll accept that as you indicated "rhythmic timing" is a factor in this genre and I acknowlege that it's obviously very popular with many. I'm sure neither of our minds will be changed but on the topic of Voice/Singers, I still don't see it. Why not add audio books then? Although I am still LMAO trying to figure out how the fuck I got myself into a discussion on RAP. Trust me, it's funny!!


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon