Ooh, your guys really tore us down, SB! And the Rangers did, too, but I completely missed it...I got some kind of stomach sickness Saturday night, and I feel like I've been sleepy/out-of-it ever since, even though my stomach was better by yesterday morning!

Mig, long ago, my mom let me in on her secret about all the coins (and other junk) she would find in my brother's and dad's pockets because they never remembered to clean them out. I can't recall if she kept the money or not, but she should've! grin

I went to visit my cousins a few days ago, and we saw Toy Story 3 at the theater. My cousin Nick has seen the first two MANY times and loves them, so he was obviously excited about this release. I found out that his type are referred to as "Andyites" because they grew up with the main character Andy, since the second one came out in 1999 and he's now off to college. So there we were, three "kids" in their twenties wanting to see Toy Story, and I'm not ashamed to admit that the movie brought me to tears several times. lol