Andrea Peyser strikes again! I know that her take on the Mosque situation was extreme (if not outright racist), but I think she really nailed this one.

Call off the bod squad - this boob has been exposed

Andrea Peyser, New York Post

What's that aroma wafting in from Queens? That's the sweaty stench of a lady's desperation as she watches her biological clock wind down, along with her fame.

Debrahlee Lorenzana, the man-hungry, plastic-surgery-addicted, fame-whoring single mom who fantasizes about nailing George Clooney while hoisting a mountainous chest, makes me ashamed to be of the same species, let alone the same sex.

Now 33, Debrahlee has undergone two breast augmentations, a tummy tuck and several liposuctions. But she has inched no closer to landing the "successful" blue-eyed guy she dreams of. Like Ben Affleck. Or Diddy. Identifying eye color is not her strong suit.

So the Queens-bred double-D did what any plastic lady would do when surgical attempts to achieve physical perfection produce the unintended consequence of making her resemble a post-op transsexual.

She filed a lawsuit.

The dame didn't sue her cute plastic surgeon or the American Mirror Co. for intentionally deluding her. She sued Citibank. For firing her. Because she was "too hot." She claimed, with a straight face, that her bosses deemed her too sexy to count clients' money.

Which is like saying Helen Thomas should sue Israel for rendering her unable to perform her professional duties because the country turned her into a blithering idiot.

Today starts Week 3 of the Debrahlee Lorenzana Crisis. In Week 1, the lady attempted to con America into believing she was the victim of her much-exaggerated hottitude -- while spreading soft-porn photos of herself like fliers for an escort agency.

Then last week, an "aha!" video surfaced showing this lady living her dream. She was featured in a 2003 reality TV show, getting her second boob job, holding melons to her chest, and issuing a cringe-worthy croon.

"I love plastic surgery," she waxed idiotically. "I think it's the best thing that ever happened." She revealed plans to alter her body into that of a Playboy Playmate -- "t - - s on a stick!" -- in order to achieve her lifelong ambition of wedding a rich guy.

Seven years later, Debrahlee is still single. Her kid is growing. The lawsuit marches on.

All over this city, women stared at the train wreck, and grew livid. My pal, ex-Airman Laura Kilroy, who comes by her generous mammaries naturally, resents suggestions that women who complain are jealous.

"I know discrimination," Laura said. "How many women do you think were on the flight lines at my Air Force base?

"Women don't get pink-slipped for being beautiful. They get promoted. However, if you have the looks and you're not bringing in the business, there's something else up."

Ex-banker Carla Murphy thinks Debrahlee's self-absorbed video rant reveals two things: 1. She's a moron. 2. She doesn't care if her son, who appears in the show, sees his mom as a gold digger with an unhealthy fixation on her breasts.

"The only reason I hope she wins her case is so that boy can get some good therapy," she said.

Women have worked too long and hard to use their bodies for leverage. Debrahlee Lorenzana trivializes the real crime of sexual harassment with a look-at-me lawsuit that reads like a personal ad, not a discrimination claim.

If she can't win a man this way, I hope she finds a career in the dregs of showbiz.

And leaves us working girls alone.

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"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.