Originally Posted By: olivant
Palin is a personality. That's all. Her opinions are standard conservative ones. Republicans can see that and will opt for a candidate with gravitas when it comes time to choose.


Romney and Huckabee and Pawlenty and Mitch Daniels...not exactly an awe-inspiring group. She's more known, and quite frankly the GOP base is more spurred by personality and vague (bullshit) ideas. Just like the other party. In a way she ironically could be an Obama in that many people see different things in her.

Plus you all are forgetting something important: She has legit currency with the Pro-Lifers. They feel betrayed and pimped out by Dubya who they thought was going to be their Shepherd, only to be mocked behind closed doors apparently by the Dubya White House as "sheep." What a twist!

So they're angry, they feel Romney is full of shit as a pro-choice GOPer in office but now running for President, he's conveniently pro-life. For example.

Sure they maybe like Huckabee too, but you know what? He doesn't have that great campaign story of choosing to give birth to a disabled baby. They eat that shit up.