My husband was at a work dinner, so I was saved from the ribbing. There were two moments when I was moved to tears - when Will pulled the car over to cry, and when Finn started talking about how he thinks of Will as a father figure, and then the subsequent "To Sir, With Love".

There were two things about last night's episode that stuck in my craw a little:

1. Why does Will only realize his feelings for Emma during a season finale?

2. The adoption of baby Beth by Idina Menzel's character. First of all, really? You already HAVE a daughter. Sorry she's 16 and you didn't get to change her diaper, but that was YOUR choice. Also, how was a single woman able to walk into a hospital and walk out with a newborn? Even in Lima, there must be a very long waiting list for an infant.

Yes, "Bohemian Rhapsody" is a rather long song, but lucky Quinn managed to drive to the hospital AND give birth before it was over! All labor should be over so quickly! And how did ND get back and forth from the hospital in time for the trophy presentation?

OK, that's actually 3 things!

Oh, and I still heart Finn.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club