Yeah, I think it's great she's staying nearby - I've never regretted going to school close to home! And nursing's gonna be such a good field for her. My mom's been mentioning that a lot as something I could keep as an option (although I'm on a much different path), and I see that all the time in articles talking about where there's a strong demand for people to work.

Oh gosh, that's right, you'd had knee surgery - how are you doing?? That's good you can make a plane ride, and I'm sure the vacation itself will make it completely worth it, for you to take the time to relax and have a good time!

My family's due for a garage sale, or at least my mom's been talking about having one for a long time; we'll probably never actually do it, though. haha But Mig's right about it - I guess that's why they're such a big draw for people, with the chance of getting a great deal on something that you really want. I sold all of my Archie comics when I was younger, which I'd collected and read over and over throughout the years, and almost immediately after, I regretted it!