Originally posted by Luca Brasi:
Anthony your a nice kid and all and for the most part I enjoy your presence and input on the board but why don't you stop busting DVs balls everytime the kid farts wrong your quick to make smart-ass remarks give the kid a break!
For the most part, I'd like to think I'm nicer to him now than I was when he was lying up a storm. I've even mentioned in a couple posts that I like the kid, and often talk to him on AIM. I bust his balls occasionally, on the boards and AIM, as a joke. Me and him are always doing that kind of stuff to each other -- on and off the boards. It's just between us.

But, I get harsh when he gets dumb. He shouldn't keep telling us he wants or will post one, when he's mentioned he definately won't many times. It's aggitating, contradicting, and it's pulling our legs. He should just come out with ONE answer rather than having a tug of war.


the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw