thanks, Mark, and yes you're so right that this film shattered all previous stereotypes (in all realms), but definitely in terms of fashion. It's funny that you mention your grandfather, because I thought the same thing when studying Vito's attire- just like my own grandpa, in fact, down to the posture. I guess that just adds to the allure and love for Don Corleone in general.

TB!! I was hoping you would respond, I was actually watching II last night and "Turnbull is a good man" came on and I was thinking about you.
I was wondering, in your infinite GF knowledge, any idea what type of watch Michael wears? I caught glimpses of it throughout, it looks like a silver band, but I can't see much more than that. Let me know if you know smile

As far as Mike in New Hampshire, I think it was just very severe, a huge contrast to when we saw him before in Sicily- so it is jarring. And I agree, he does look like some sort of politician or like you say, banker. It's quite haunting, especially when you've watched it so many times and you realize his wooing Kay would be so pointless. He talks to her so differently, and you can't help but see that his dress matches his confidence, that he can get her to do whatever he wants now.

when will i stop loving this film?(probably never)
