If it wasn't for Artie in the wheelchair and Finn on the drugs I wouldn't know who any of the guys were.

Not my favorite episode tonight. The whole Finn/Kurt's dad I'm torn over. Kurt is probably my favorite character, and having his dad stick up for him is great, but the way it was done I felt his dad was in the wrong. Kurt was too over the top, and him attempting to take off Finn's make up...if I was straight and a gay girl was overtly sexual with me I'd punch her in the face.

That song Rachel and her mom sang together was downright boring. You've waited all your life to sing with your mom and you pick, "Poker face"? I know it was GaGa night and they had to use one of her songs, but maybe GaGA wasn't the right theme to have the mother/daughter show. I was just very underwhelmed by the whole show.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.