"Now as getting education on Islam, I don't think you got one better than I did..."

i'm really sorry, but i think that's subjective, especially because i do not believe clerics, imams, or any religious intermediaries are necessary for me to learn my faith. not to say that maybe you do know more- but how do you assume that? i realize that iran has made it's people both disgusted with islam and has misled their entire population with lies, propaganda, made-up hadiths, among other things. it is hurtful to see what they have done, and i go to work with iranians every single day, and have a lot of persian friends as well and hear their grievances. the aftermath of the elections was something i dealt with on a daily basis for months (for work). they force their citizens to be muslim, they put it on their birth certificates (as do other so-called muslim countries) and that is not the way to learn, know, and accept islam- it is completely AGAINST islam. the quran is an interpretive document, it is made for individuals to understand for themselves.

"So, let's just cut the bull about getting to know Islam. Islam has to go through reform"

there are still people who think muslims are devil worshipers and hate jesus. people should learn about others, it's a human responsibility. maybe muslims should be more receptive to exploring their book better, using their God-given intellect, and learning their faith according to their best instincts as human beings, on that i can agree. as far as women's rights, TRUE women's rights exists in the original teachings of the faith and anything that is contrary to that is not real, not authentic, and should not be looked at as such. hadiths have become the weapon of the oppressor at this point.

and i don't agree with the whole church bells v. azaan thing at all. people should learn to deal with each other, or we're all headed for a frustrating life. i'm not saying all this stuff to waste my time or get anyone to change their feelings or beliefs, i just wish the majority of people who speak on this subject (and they rarely speak intelligently but instead throw in slurs and prejudice) - weren't ignorant to the subject at hand. instead they say things that are hurtful.

anyway, said my peace. i hope you're not offended by my comments, afs, it's nothing personal and i hope people understand where i'm coming from.
