Very interesting. Definitely something going on, eh? A recent article by Adrien Humphries for the National Post (with files from the Montreal Gazette?) makes the claim that, rather then the street-gangs & criminals of Montreal, the kidnapping may have been ordered from New York. I'll quote from the article before i link to it;
"...a law-enforcement source told the Post on condition of anonymity. "The threat was believed to have emanated either directly from New York or through Buffalo and Toronto", the source said.

While i take that with grain of salt until more evidence is presented, it is an interesting notion to think after the decades on top, the Rizzuto's could be targeted during a percieved time of weakness by various NY factions, old school Buffalo factions or even the Calabrian families scattered throughout parts of Canada. This as opposed to the commonly cited view of a "rising up" of Montreal's street-gangs.

While it definitly seems likely that the street-gangs & freelance criminals have a role in the current unrest, insofar at least in some of the cafe bombings (suspected extortionate attempts of intimiadation), it is fascinating to postulate that the street gangsters are more "getting in on the action", while the Rizzuto Family is assailed by threats from with Coasa Nostra itself. But like i said, until more solid evidence is given then...

Read more:
Another article that lists the recent blows to the Rizzuto Family;

A pretty cool video:
