So they're really keepin' old "Big" Bill D'Elia on the move, eh? This most recent is the 6th in about 2 years. Why do they keep him moving? As (Edmond Ross) a spokesman for the Federal Bureau Of Prisons was quoted; “Generally, inmates are transferred from one facility to another for any number of reasons”. Hmm. Is he considered a target now? *I think thats pretty obvious at this point* He's been shuffled thorugh prisons in Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Texas & California, & now apparently somewhere close to Tuscon, Arizona.

The article also makes reference to one Robert Kulick, another person which D'Elia apparently cooperated & provided information against, "assisting" prosecutors in a criminal case. This blew up in his face when Kulick flipped in 2009 & implicated D'Elia in the case that saw Judges Conahan and Ciavarella last year on racketeering charges.

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 05/28/10 04:07 PM.
