if you all can't get over your racist/prejudiced feelings, that's a personal issue, you should deal with it if you want to. if someone has a license and permission to build any house of worship in this country- if this is still fucking america- they will build it.

i'm sorry that you all equate jihad (a term that has ridiculously different meanings and uses, other than what is most popularly defined as 'holy war'), with something muslim people have written on their foreheads and leave their houses to pursue. if killing innocent people was actually a tenant of islam, than there are more than a billion of us, and you all would be in a shitload of trouble.
i'm sorry that you act like americans are the only people in the whole universe, throughout ALL HISTORY, that have been attacked innocently.

and please keep in mind 3 things: i am a muslim, I was born here (haha! sorry bout it) and i don't know any specifics about this mosque project other than that horrible article posted, i am simply replying to the general hatred towards mosques and general hostility towards muslims.

once all you ignorant people in this country, who proudly call yourselves americans, actually step outside your holes and educate yourselves about other religions, people, cultures, beliefs, and ideologies- you will continue to perpetuate the same hate that the most extreme people YOU HATE live by. a mosque is not an evil place, and azaan (call to prayer) is not any more offensive (if you think it's offensive and not beautiful), than any church bells.

american muslims died in the 9/11 attacks, too. i'm sure they're not building a mosque near Ground Zero just to piss you off, so shut the fuck up. thomas jefferson is probably wondering in the afterlife what the fuck happened to his country.

this country is incomparable to any other. just because it is not yet the proverbial 'shining city upon a hill'- doesn't mean we should not strive our best to become it. we let ourselves down as a country when we act/react this way. don't you think the enemy (terrorists, thieves, destroyers of lives, greedy people, murderers, etc) relish in our ignorance and hatred? it fuels their flame.

(Don G, sorry about the cursing, but this is unbelievable, man)
