I know this may seem like a silly question, but when Michael knows he must go to Cuba to see Hyman Roth, who makes his travel arrangements? After the assassination attempt, he immediately leaves the compound.

From history, mob guys keep track on the moves their enemies are making. Isn't this how Vito trapped Al Capone's men (novel) and was able to ambush them? So how is it that Michael boards a TRAIN with one bodyguard (unknown at that) and seems relatively safe?

I ask because in GF1 Vito and Mike make these meticulous plans in order to whack the heads of the families, and it seems that Michael either had his plans made already or that he accomplished his travel easily, and most immportantly, confidentially. How does one with that much clout get around unnoticed?

Also, same above for the Cessna, when he leaves to come back to the U.S.

"Now, that plane goes to Miami."
"That's right. That's where I want it met."