I was just gonna post I wonder where Quinn is living. Are the writers of this show like from The Sopranos? Just leave unexplained plots for the viewer to try to decide.

I like the fact they started Quinn off as an unlikable character, then have us start to like her. Sort of like a soap opera.

I'm wondering if they're gonna make Finn gay? He's with the head cheerleader and doesn't bed her. I know he didn't have feelings for Santana, but to have him say he felt nothing after they had sex, makes me think he just isn't into girls. I certainly wouldn't want to see him hook up with Kurt, he'd smash the poor boy. But that would create great angst.

Last edited by Beth E; 05/04/10 07:15 AM.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.