Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
Pardon me. I was talking about was how relevant or convenient formal heirarchy is in a "family" comprising a literal handful & a half wiseguys.
Philly aside.

When a family (if you want to call it that) gets to that point, i.e. the size of a single crew with 5 or 10 members, the standard hierarchy is meaningless. There can still be a top guy, the boss, so to speak. But why would guys like Vince Loscalzo in Tampa or Pete Milano in LA need an underboss, consigliere, and captains for when they're only overseeing about 8-10 guys total and not all of them are even active? Pittsburgh would be in the same situation. They really aren't formally structured, viable families anymore despite the fact there are invidual members still alive.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.