Yes, well, fourth Saturday in a row ive decided to stay home, & why not?
What am i gonna do? Y'know, i worked from from midnight to 10am today, got home, showered had a feed and thought, hmmm. Why not? My girlfriend started groaning & walked away rolling her eyes. She's decided to go to her sister's linen party after all. Sweet.

You know, you guys had me pretty shaken for a bit. Were my beer-gog's really on that tight? i thought, and Do i really just have a drinking problem? and such. Anyway, why not? At about 2pm i put on One. This time, no devil brew. Maybe some smokables. Cough.

One, just awesome, from wedding to closing doors. I basically cannot respect a persons opinion if they do not at least appreciate the Godfather's quality.

Two. Of course. Two. Two. Apple's quote was very succint:
Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa

What makes The Godfather, Part II a 'Classic', is that even while complementing and advancing the GF story, it still stands on its own as a great film whether compared to GF or not.

And 3...
Sorry. I still <3 it. Sure, its all a little unnessecary, and the fact that it takes itself so seriously now, so much more pretentious than the quiet dignity of the first & dark progression of the second, that could be off putting, if you were not comfortable with your gangsters being so lofty & Shakesperian.

But i love the first 40 minutes. Is something wrong with me?
Really. I still hold that larger then life was the natural progression.
Why not ear-biting & helicoptors? Father/son assasins and poison canolli's? Surprisingly enough, stone sober i still enjoyed it. I at least didn't cry this time. grin

Originally Posted By: Lilo
..GF2 completed the storyline. Michael had lost his family and consigned himself to hell in this world and the next.
As far as specifics go I didn't buy Connie getting involved as she did or Vincent coming out of nowhere to lead the family.

I disagree, my man. Respectfully, of course. After all these years, finally, finally, in his mind at least, Michael is going to rise above his "mafia hood" roots, he's finally making the transition he's always wanted, into "legitimacy". But of course it's all gonna blow up in his face. He's killed too many times, made too many enemies. Its a fitting post-script, a "whatever happened to".
As you could probably imagine, i like Vincent. The illegitimate son of Sonny & the broad he was doin' at his sisters wedding. His Dad all over.
A natural hood, he wants nothing more then to live up to the legendary reputation of his father & grandfather. He's been slugging away, sticking to the rackets. Michael offered him real work; he turned it down. He needs to live the life. Finally, after all the time spent in the background, his Uncle Mike is taking notice of him.
And with Connie, i dont see her as getting involved with the "mafia" as such, but rather involved in working to support her blood nephew. In no small way did she push for Vincent to be accepted.
So, um, hence a poison canolli. Cough.

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
In a perverse way GFIII was perfect...
...GFIII was a very real, reality check...
It wasn't a fun movie. It showed us how f'd up the Corleones had become...


Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
The progression from the "olive oil business" to the casino business to international Immobiliare seemed logical over the three shows. But I think Part 3 suffered from the fact it was done too long after the first two.

Good point. But i dont think it suffered all that much, as it really served to seperate from the "old days", which were long gone. New times, higher stakes.

Really, i love it because it ended the saga of Michael Corleone. These three films contain the life story of this man. From "birth", to an old man's death

I should point out at this time that i also regard the first (last, whatever, Eps.4, 5 & 6) Star Wars Trilogy, Bad Lieutenant (the '92 Harvey Keitel one) Natural Born Killers & Big Trouble in Little China, for example, as classics. (serious. stop laughing. i said stop it smile )

Now GF1 & 2 are for me up there with Raging Bull, A Clockwork Orange, The Usual Suspects & Chinatown (though that does NOT make it allright to get young girls drunk & sodomize them. Asshole Polanski. They should've sodomized him. Let him get drunk first. Asshole.)

Sorry about that.

Anyway, GF3? Somewhere in between those two groups for me. Not the worlds greatest movie, but leaps & bounds beyond the average fare.

Thank you, ladies & gents, for your arguments. I have to go now. My girlfriend brought home some Mezcal. Mmmm. Scorpion. Crunchy wink
