I just watched it myself here (at work).

I thought he handled himself well. You could tell Kroft wanted to go places but was intimidated. Good.

I used an epigraph at the start of my 2nd book (jimmy bench-press) that has to do with Enron and how that (Wall, street, etc.) is the real organized crime in this country. Why isn't the federal gov't using RICO against Wall Street?

Well, we know why ... but it still pisses me off.

Guilty or not, I was glad to see Jr. get off again. Using guys like Alite to make a case is perverted.

Charlie Stella
Johnny Porno (April, 2010) Stark House Press
Mafiya: A Novel of Crime (January, 2008) Pegasus
Shakedown: A Novel of Crime (June, 2006) Pegasus
Cheapskates: A Novel of Crime (March, 2005) Carroll & Graf
Charlie Opera: A Novel of Crime (December, 2003) Carroll & Graf
Jimmy Bench-Press: A Novel of Crime (December, 2002) Carroll & Graf
Eddie's World: A Novel of Crime (December, 2001) Carroll & Graf