Originally Posted By: Lucasi
I dont believe the five New York Families are the strongest in the U.S.
I believe the Genovese Family is at the top.
"The Outfit" and the "Detroit Partnership" are strong also and have kept the rats and indictments to a minumum over the last century.Actually i think there in the top 3 familys when it comes to not having snitches.Genovese,Outfit,Partnership.
I dont think just cause your from N.Y. your the strongest as the Bonanno Family is weaker to me then Detroit or Chicago.
I would have rathere been "Made" in Detroit then the Colombos,Bonannos or the Lucchese Familys,etc.
All in all the LCN in the U.S. is still making enough $$$ to keep people in line for membership.

Who you personally would rather be made in has nothing to do with it. And rats, or the lack thereof, are not the only criteria. Even the smallest New York family is twice the size of the Chicago Outfit and four times the size of the Detroit family. And notice how you didn't even bring up the Gambinos, who are easily the #2 family in the U.S. behind the Genovese. You can go on wishful thinking and outdated thinking or you can go on the facts. Any of the five New York families are larger, more active, more diversified, and more expansive than any other family outside New York. And that includes Chicago and Detroit.

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