Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Again? I've tried watching it about 4 times; can never get past the unrelieved boredom of the first 40 minutes (one time, I actually made it to an hour).

I had to have a few drinks to make it through that 40 minutes.

Then I had a few more and managed to watch the last 40 minutes. Death of Mary admittedly a stunner, extremely well depicted, and even a fitting, tragic conclusion to the life of Michael Corleone.

Still though, no 'classic' in there. Not even an inkling of one.

You make a compelling case though, and it's nice to see someone have such enthusiasm for a movie...even if I do not agree.


Hmm. Did you try drinking? Oh wait...

Seriously though, thanks for the input. While i know that my "classic" is not neccesarily everybody else's, i appreciate you respecting my opinion, as i respect yours. smile

In any case...
GF rules! By which I mean all three! GF3 4eva!!!11@!!11!!woot!1!
(runs to hills proclaiming love for a movie universally considered mediocre. with a portable dvd player under one arm, GF BoxSet under the other. cords dragging. oh crap i forgot batteries.)
