State prisoners in Michigan during transport,etc and especially if your doing a stretch of time and our a high security risk{level 2 or above} u are bellychained and handcuffed and then leg shackled.
I dont know how he got away unless this story is a cover up to save there own ass because there is no way he could have ran away with that stuff on because i have been in the same type of legirons,belly chains,etc and u can barely take short steps without it being awkward let alone run and how could he kick a door open that on most fed/state transports the locks are on the outside and very secure.If he was snitchin they may have let there guard down and he took advantage.?
It said he was testifying.?Does that mean he was a canary?Or was he trying to help one of his cronies.?
If hes a rat he sure cant run back to his crew or other wiseguys so i dont see em being on escape long unless he changes his whole pattern,gets a job and lays low.If hes a snitch i hope he gets caught and the crime he was involved with with that young woman was pretty freakn sick-Maybe his cronies will catch up with em and deal out mobjustice.
Good news article.