Originally Posted By: Lucasi
Why couldnt the Agnello boys be gangsters if they wanted to,or just one of em for that matter?There lineage is pure as u can possibly get or close.Not just one side of the family is Sicilian/Italian both are?They are a Joke but could have grown some since we seen them as young teenagers acting like most of us did in one way or another at that age.

Ha. Thats ridiculous.

I dont think Agnello's running a crew anywhere. You dont think we woulda heard something by now?
In general though, you really want these guys to be stronger then they are, dont you?
They're scumbags, dude. The lie, cheat & steal. Not to mention murder. These things are wrong. Straight up.

But the Agnello-Gotti kids.. Thats is a joke. Have you heard Carmine's music? Really, dont bother. Thats 30 seconds of my life im stupider for having subjected myself to. I figured id give him a chance.
I really shouldn't have. In anycase, id say my sister's more cut out for the life then those prissy prima-donna's.

What a legend that Dwayne Wade, eh? Now thats substance.
