Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Taking it a step further, let's say they bought Luca's story and Luca learned they were going forward with the drug sales without the Corleones....would Vito have started a war?

I think it would have made Vito look a little anxious and bitter at that point. After a while, I feel the other Dons would have said "Look, we came to you at first to get this thing going. You say no, so we figured out a different way. Now you're out of this drug ring we got going...PLUS you lost Luca, he's more loyal to us now...since you sent him off to be a rat, remember?" So to answer your question DT if he did start one, I think the other Dons would not have been so rational the next go round, and would willingly go to war if that's what Vito wanted.

"Now, that plane goes to Miami."
"That's right. That's where I want it met."