In the novel doesn't it state that Vito was uneasy around Luca Brasi, he made him nervous like he was handling dynamite or something to that effect?

I think that Luca was the only character that really made the Don nervous, and I could never understand why Vito's character reacted that way with him. You can see it in his face, as he replies to Tom "do we really have to see him"? What great acting right there too BTW!

But here are my questions-
1)Did he not trust Luca Brasi, did he think maybe at the wedding he was going to try and kill him?

2) Do you think Vito would ever whack Luca because of this nervousness/paranoia?

3) How many people in the family knew how to contact Luca? Sonny & Tom did but what about the capos? Did they know him that well too?

"Now, that plane goes to Miami."
"That's right. That's where I want it met."